We Are Specializing in Health... ...and in Treating the Root Causes of Chronic Disease

The promotion and support of your good overall health is indeed our specialization.  We cannot imagine a better one.  In order to help you achieve your goal, we can offer more than just simple detox plans.  We can offer a full range of treatments.


For many this may sound like a curious statement to make about a clinic or a doctor, isn’t it? That they are specializing in health, rather than in the diagnosis and treatment of one kind of disease or another, associated with one part of the body or another!


But, how can you savor life with your family and friends, your good fortune, your wealth, when you are lacking in health? You can’t. Without health life is simply not enjoyable. Health is our most important asset.


At Healthy Healing we cherish good health and do everything in our power to support you in maintaining or gaining it, by starting with a rigorous assessment, in a long consultation involving many standard and some non-standard testing procedures. People used to the common 5- to 10-minute interview with the doctor in other places, are always amazed about the thoroughness of our assessment process.


Then, we bring the advanced tools of functional lifestyle medicine to bear. Beyond our success proven treatments involving chelation-, ozone, colon hydrotherapy, plus nutritional and lifestyle counseling, we are offering internationally recognized protocols of nutrition infusion therapies, advanced PRP, plus some selected high-end natural beauty procedures.


All of this makes Healthy Healing Center Goa an innovative general medical practice for a client-centered approach to well-being and beauty. The clinic was established in 2005 and has been growing in popularity steadily and naturally ever since.


We are located in Sangolda, between the state capital Panjim and the coastal belt of north Goa, actually closer to the beaches than to the city. You can find us on google maps.


We are looking forward to helping you in any way we can.


Please contact us for more information.

Before starting with a round of comprehensive detoxification treatments at Healthy Healing, I had been bothered with chronic constipation for nearly two years. I had put on a great deal of weight, and no matter how I tried to diet I could not lose it. I felt bloated and seemed to be retaining a lot of fluid also. I felt very tired and had very low energy. Even my thinking had turned negative and a definite level of victim consciousness had crept in… I am so impressed with the results that I plan to take more treatments in the future and intend to make regular detoxification part of my health regime. So, this only leaves me having to say “Thank You” Dr. Shikha at Healthy Healing.