12-Day Deep Cell Regeneration

The purpose is anti-aging, or should we say: the prevention of premature aging. And may be, just may be, our usual ideas about the inevitability of aging at a certain time and in a certain way are actually making us age faster than we need.

The 2-Week Cell Regeneration Program was designed to reverse the trend.

Here, again, we are applying a special mix of nutritional infusions, but in a composition that does more than merely improving immune function and giving us the energy to function better in today’s environment. Here, we want to return the lipid ratio of the cell membrane to a ratio closer to the one enjoyed by the individual in younger years. In a way we are turning back the biological clock by reviving the cells to the same elasticity that they displayed when we were younger.

Likewise will we strengthen the antioxidant defenses of the body and regenerating the function of the nerve cells, both through nutritional infusions and a thorough cleansing of the bowels from accumulated toxins. The program includes:

• In-depth consultation
• 4 'Myer's Cocktail' infusions
• 6 Anti-oxidant infusions
• 5 Coffee enemas
• 5 Rectal ozone sessions

2 One-hour bodywork, Cranio-Sacral, or osteopathy sessions (depending on individual need).  These physical therapies are only available from November 1st to April 15th every season.

Thank you for the awakening to a whole new lifestyle...for a journey of rejuvenation...which has been energising, cleansing and yet not rigid...a way of living that I know I will stick to not just because it works and the results are there to see, feel and experience but also because I'm loving it! And cheers to enjoying the benefits of having coffee the right way:))) So in two simple words "Thank You".