Facial PRP for Natural Beauty

Frown lines, crow lines, under eye depressions, commisures around the mouth, skin sagging and age spots ...

There actually is a solution for better looks and even reshaping some areas of your body, something very simple, yet radically different from traditional beauty procedures: that you can make use of your own blood to improve your looks. Yes, you are reading correctly: when we are talking PRP Lysate Therapy in esthetics we are not recommending surgery. Instead we are suggesting that there is a way to cosmetically apply the active growth factors of the same blood that is running through your veins, and with it to improve your appearance, with astonishing results! Plus, 100% naturally!

In order to achieve this we will have to process the client’s blood thoroughly so that its inherent growth factors increase by 600%. Therefore, for the physician, due to the required meticulous purification, the set up and preparation, the procedure is a little complex. For the client, receiving the treatment it is still simple enough.

Thank you for the awakening to a whole new lifestyle...for a journey of rejuvenation...which has been energising, cleansing and yet not rigid...a way of living that I know I will stick to not just because it works and the results are there to see, feel and experience but also because I'm loving it! And cheers to enjoying the benefits of having coffee the right way:))) So in two simple words "Thank You".