Bodywork for Skillful Relaxation

The body only works well with the right kind of food.It needs water.It needs to move. Finally, the body also needs to be touched in appropriate ways. For better health and sanity, being touched is one of our essential needs.

Bodywork is the term, we use for massage. And yes, receiving a massage always gives a general sense of wellbeing and being cared for. However, for deeper healing in integrative medicine more than pampering is needed. Hence the term: bodywork.

It infers that the types of massages used at Healthy Healing are a precise therapeutic application. Bodywork reaches way beyond the domain of mere and imprecise coddling. As bodywork, therapeutic massage can become an art - both for the therapist and for the client as enjoyable an experience as it is deeply nourishing and healing.

Besides, therapeutic touch acts as a tonic to brain function and facilitates the overall responsiveness and flexibility of the nervous system.

For more information please click here.

I am only 38 years old, but four years ago already underwent bypass surgery. Still cholesterol was too high, despite the cholesterol-lowering drugs that I took. I was worrying. Then I heard of Dr. Shikha and Chelation. Upon her advice for 15 weeks, I took one Chelation treatment per week. I adhered to most of the doctor’s diet plan. She also gave me some pills that were not medicine, but supplements. After the treatment sessions were completed HDL and LDL levels had improved, and triglycerides were normal. I am a high school teacher. In class, I noticed that my mind worked faster and was sharper.