George and Renita Braganza

George and Renita Braganza Have been friends of Healthy Healing and professionally linked to the center from the very beginning. They run a successful bodywork/massage practice in Hubli, Karnataka throughout the year, but personally prefer to come and work in Goa during tourist season.

George and Renita both have academic degrees and enjoyed careers as professionals before they chose to focus on becoming therapists, each with now more than ten years of hands on experience. They received their training in India, based on the curriculum of the Institute of Psycho Structural Balancing, San Diego California. Later, George and Renita also studied Cranio Sacral Therapy with the German therapist and certified CST trainer Stefan Reiter.  

Besides, George manufactures the most beautiful, sturdy and durable handcrafted massage table in India.

As they did last year, George and Renita will work with us for the benefit of our clients from December 1st 2012 to April 15th 2013.

Having had the good fortune of being able to take part in ozone treatment, I am happy to be able to report an overall increase in my feeling of wellness, my ability to focus on events at hand has also increased, together with heightened energy levels. Jay Ozone!