Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional medicine works by increasing the levels of nutrients in the blood stream. In its actual practice, we are feeding vitamins, minerals and other natural substances intravenously into the client’s system, thus bypassing the digestive tract.

In other words, nutritional medicine is a form of nutrition infusion therapy. Through it, higher than normal blood levels of key nutrients can be achieved quickly, which in turn will trigger an immediate positive whole body therapeutic response.

According to the scientific data available today, nutrition infusion therapy is effective in a variety of conditions, including:

hypertension, asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis,diabetes, hepatitis,and even the common cold. It can also be administered to simply provide an energy boost when things have become too hectic, and the stress levels unmanageable.

At Healthy Healing Center Goa nutritional infusions are a part of our comprehensive integrative medicine and functional medicine protocols.

We finally arrived in Paris a few days ago after a very interesting trip in your beautiful country. We wanted to tell you that we really appreciated the 10 days treatment we followed in your clinic last november. We feel in good shape and most of all we are convinced that your therapy did good to us and we are willing to apply the health advice you gave us to keep this good shape as long as we can! As far as I am concerned I believe that my "shakings" have been reduced and I am very happy about it. Helena is full of energy and keeps nice memories of Healthy Healing Clinic. Give all our thanks to your nurses that took good care of us. Thank you Doctor Shikha Xavier & Helene Ott
Xavier & Helene Ott