Contact Us

Please first E-mail all your enquiries related to bookings and other, then if you still would like to speak to someone we will receive your call.

Healthy Healing Center
57 Barros Vaddo,
Sangolda, Bardez, Goa,
403511, India

+91 9823094620 for calls, Whatsapp and Telegram


Enquiry Form

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I met Dr Shikha whilst on a holiday in Goa. I was suffering from a problem I had no doubt was physical but had been informed by NHS doctors in London and by the medical staff at another hospital abroad, that the problem was psychological. Dr Shikha listened to me carefully and discussed the issue in detail. Her approach is very professional and scientific. She decided on a course of treatment which definitely improved my condition, and upon completion suggested what further action and treatment I can take on my return to the U.K.